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Deep MERLIN 5 GHz radio imaging of supernova remnants in the M82 starburst


The results of an extremely deep, 8-d long observation of the central kpc of the nearby starburst galaxy M82 using Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN) at 5 GHz are presented. The 17 μJy beam -1 rms noise level in the naturally weighted image makes it the most sensitive high-resolution radio image of M82 made to date. Over 50 discrete sources are detected, the majority of which are supernova remnants, but with 13 identified as H ii regions. Sizes, flux densities and radio brightnesses are given for all of the detected sources, which are all well resolved with a majority showing shell or partial shell structures. Those sources within the sample which are supernova remnants have diameters ranging from 0.3 to 6.7 pc, with a mean size of 2.9 pc. From a comparison with previous MERLIN 5-GHz observations made in 1992 July, which gives a 9.75-yr timeline, it has been possible to measure the expansion velocities of 10 of the more compact sources, eight of which have not been measured before. These derived expansion velocities range between 2200 and 10 500 km s-1. © 2008 RAS

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The University of Manchester - Institutional Repository

Last time updated on 01/02/2017

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