Modifications of the Rayleigh and Bingham Tests for Uniformity of Directions


The general machinery of Cordeiro and Ferrari (1991, Biometrika78, 573-582) and Chandra and Mukerjee (1991, J. Multivariate Anal.36, 103-112) provides modifications of score test statistics which bring the null distributions close to their large-sample asymptotic distributions. These modifications are calculated here for the Rayleigh and Bingham tests of uniformity on spheres of arbitrary dimension, Stiefel manifolds, rotation groups, Grassmann manifolds and complex projective spaces.complex projective space generalized Bartlett correction Grassmann manifold rotation group sphere Stiefel manifold uniform distribution

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Research Papers in Economics

Last time updated on 06/07/2012

This paper was published in Research Papers in Economics.

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