


This report summarizes a year-long study of the current and future role of technology in the Mid-South, Southeast, and High Plains cotton production systems. Specific research objectives were to: 1) Identify the impacts of emerging technology on regional cotton production systems, including the implications of technology adoption on the economic and environmental stability of the system; 2) Examine the future direction of technical change in cotton production and its implications for the biological and economic structure of the cotton production system; and 3) Determine the potential role of future technologies on shifting regional competitiveness in cotton production. Information used in the analysis was collected through a series of consultations with leading cotton research and extension personnel at regional research facilities and land grant universities. Given the verbal, descriptive nature of the information collected, the analysis represents the expert opinions of individuals working with and in the cotton production industry. In short, this report documents the combined vision of cotton production scientists and extension personnel with respect to the future of U.S. and regional cotton production. Necessary background information was obtained from published academic, industry, and government sources.Production Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

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Last time updated on 06/07/2012

This paper was published in Research Papers in Economics.

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