Sample dependence of anisotropy and restriction of electron-spin diffusion in the quasi-one dimensional organic conductor (fluoranthene) 2\mathsf{_2} PF 6\mathsf{_6}


As-grown and proton-irradiation damaged crystals of the quasi-one dimensional organic conductor (fluoranthene) 2PF 6 are studied by static magnetic field gradient spin echo electron spin resonance. The parallel-to-stack diffusion constant Dβˆ₯D_{\parallel} varies sample dependent by a factor of 50, just like the ratio Dβˆ₯/DβŠ₯D_{\parallel}/D_{\bot} . The restriction of free diffusive motion of the conduction electron spins of as-grown and microstructured crystals is analyzed. Copyright Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg 2003

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Research Papers in Economics

Last time updated on 06/07/2012

This paper was published in Research Papers in Economics.

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