Using Market Segmentation to Assess Consumers' Acceptance of Organic Eggs in Taiwan


The needs of the organic eggs are increasing; therefore, the farmers of chicken-egg (FCE) provide the best eggs to their consumers to satisfy their needs and wants. Because the FCE cannot satisfy every consumer needs, FCE has to focus on some specific groups to satisfy their needs and wants. This paper is to clarify the segmentation of the customers in middle Taiwan and build the empirical model via Cluster Analysis. The 460 samples are taken randomly without some adjustment, but only 341 samples are used. As the results, this paper gets the segmentations of product oriented, economic oriented, and production oriented, and which would be the target markets that the FCE should focus on.Organic eggs, Cluster analysis, Market segmentation, Product Position, Consumer/Household Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

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Research Papers in Economics

Last time updated on 06/07/2012

This paper was published in Research Papers in Economics.

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