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Green cloth stamped in gilt.Advertisements on page [4] of the preliminary pages and pages [3]-[6] at end.Frontispiece and plates facing pages 10, 22, 64, 82, 106, 154, 172, 212, 214, 224 and 254.Previously published in various periodicals.Poe's raven in an elevator -- A West Point start -- The song that sold -- The thousand dollar skates -- The widow Callahan's Christmas dinner --Why the delegate walked -- 'Dam White -- The education of a butterfly -- How the cricket cricks -- Their wedding day -- Mrs. Smith's husband -- The bottle, the half brick and the lump of chalk -- For divers reasons -- Miss Flutterly on what is doing -- Miss Flutterly on politics and the drama -- My golf -- Mrs. Bidwell's tea -- A suburban Christmas -- How to write a novel for the masses.Mode of access: Internet

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University of Michigan Library Repository

Last time updated on 18/11/2016

This paper was published in University of Michigan Library Repository.

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