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Given a multivariate real (or complex) polynomial p and a domain calD,
we would like to decide whether an algorithm exists to evaluate p(x) accurately
for all xincalD using rounded real (or complex) arithmetic.
Here ``accurately'' means with relative error less than 1, i.e., with some correct
leading digits. The answer depends on the model of rounded arithmetic:
We assume that for any arithmetic operator op(a,b), for example a+b or
acdotb, its computed value is op(a,b)cdot(1+delta),
where ∣delta∣ is bounded by some constant epsilon where 0<epsilonll1,
but delta is otherwise arbitrary. This model is the traditional one used to analyze
the accuracy of floating point algorithms.
Our ultimate goal is to establish a decision procedure that, for any p and calD,
either exhibits an accurate algorithm or proves that none exists. In contrast to the
case where numbers are stored and manipulated as finite bit strings (e.g., as floating
point numbers or rational numbers) we show that some polynomials p are impossible to
evaluate accurately. The existence of an accurate algorithm will depend not just
on p and calD, but on which arithmetic operators and constants are available
to the algorithm and whether branching is permitted in the algorithm.
Toward this goal, we present necessary conditions on p for it to be
accurately evaluable on open real or complex domains calD.
We also give sufficient conditions, and describe progress toward
a complete decision procedure. We do present a complete
decision procedure for homogeneous polynomials p with integer coefficients,
calD=Cn, using only arithmetic operations
+, − and cdot
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