Abstrak: Kelompok "Laot Berjaya" adalah sebuah kelompok petani nelayan pemula dari desa Lubuk Damar yang bergerak dibidang usaha pembesaran dan pematangan telur kepiting bakau, namun usaha mereka mulai menurun sejak terjadi banjir besar di tahun 2021 yang membuat keramba mengalami kerusakan dan kerugian besar. Tujuan PKM ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas produksi kepiting biasa maupun kepiting petelur melalui aplikasi Crabbing Apartment sehingga menambah pendapatan kelompok. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode ceramah, diskusi, demonstrasi, dan praktik. PKM ini diikuti oleh 12 anggota kelompok “Laot BerjayaEvaluasi dilakukan pada saat PKM berlangsung melalui kuesioner, juga saat pendampingan dan monitoring. Hasil PKM menunjukkan bahwa: (1) 81% mitra memahami materi teknologi pembesaran dan pematangan telur kepiting bakau; (2) 83% mitra memahami tentang ekonomi sirkular; (3) 82% mitra memahami dan terampil membuat Crabbing Apartment; (4) 84% mitra memahami cara pembuatan catatan keuangan sederhana yang baik dan benar; dan (5) 72% mitra mengalami peningkatan jumlah produksi kepiting.Abstract: The "Laot Berjaya" is a group of novice fishermen farmers from Lubuk Damar village engaged in the business of raising and maturing mangrove crab eggs, but their business has begun to decline since the big flood in 2021 which damaged the cages and caused major losses. The purpose of this PKM is to increase the quantity and quality of production of ordinary crabs and laying crabs so as to increase the group's income. The methods used are lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and practices. This PKM was attended by 12 members of the "Laot Berjaya", 2 extension workers, 3 lecturers, and 3 students. Evaluation was carried out during the PKM through questionnaires, as well as during mentoring and monitoring. The PKM results show that: (1) 81% of partners understand the material on mangrove crab egg rearing and maturation technology; (2) 83% of partners understand the circular economy; (3) 82% of partners understand and are skilled at making Crabbing Apartments; (4) 84% of partners understand how to make simple financial records properly and correctly; and (5) 72% of partners experienced an increase in the amount of crab production
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