Empowering Teachers: Cultivating Agency in a Post-Pandemic Educational Landscape


Creating an environment where teachers feel trusted and responsible is not just a suggestion but a necessity. In this essay, I underline the indispensable role of school leaders in balancing autonomy and accountability and acknowledge the fact that empowered teachers are the cornerstone of engaging and successful learning environments. I discuss the crucial role of teacher agency in fostering effective education and strongly advocate for the primacy of trust building, collaboration, tailored professional development, and teacher leadership within schools and districts. It is expected that restoring teacher agency will yield positive student outcomes like clear goal setting and expectations, supportive feedback and evaluation, and ongoing professional learning. Leadership initiatives that prioritize trust, collaboration, teacher autonomy, and tailored professional development contribute significantly to the restoration of teacher agency. This essay underscores the significance of restoring teacher agency in the interest of building resilient and adaptive schools to meet diverse student needs in the ever-changing educational environment. A commitment to valuing educator expertise, dedication, and leadership is a crucial step in shaping the future landscape of education

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This paper was published in Walden University.

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