LLU Dentistry - Volume 33, Number 1


In this Issue 6 | Dean\u27s Message8 | Service Learning - Caring for those in Cuba12 | Homecoming Recap20 | Dean\u27s Circle Breakfast | Mission Inn21 | Mission Emphasis Breakfast22 | Honoring Class Gathering24 | Alumnus of the Year - Dr. John Kershner25 | Institute for Health Policy and Leadership 26 | $4M National Cancer Institute Grant Awarded to Dr. Chi Viet28 | Dental Hygiene class graduates in China30 | DDS Class of 2024 Profile32 | LLUSD Continuing Education34 | CDA Reception40 | President\u27s Award41 | Prince Award42 | Faculty of the Year - Dr. Nima Sarmast43 | Distinguished Service Award - Dr. Ronald Forde44 | Distinguished Service Award - Robin Fierro-Navarro45 | DDS Student Achievement Awards50 | Omicron Kappa Upsilon52 | Dental Hygiene Pinning Ceremony54 | Dental Hygiene Students Awards55 | Sigma Phi Alpha56 | Baccalaureate Sabbath57 | Commissioning & Promotion Ceremony58 | Hooding Ceremony60 | Conferring of Degrees64 | Fond Farewellshttps://scholarsrepository.llu.edu/articulator/1023/thumbnail.jp

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This paper was published in Loma Linda University.

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