Studies on molecular and morphological evolution and biogeography of squids


The cephalopod clade Decapodiformes consists of Spirulida (ram’s horn squid), Sepiolida (bobtail squids), Sepiida (cuttlefishes), Myopsida (inshore squids), and Oegopsida (oceanic squids). While many unanswered questions remain regarding this clade, a thorough examination requires a multi-level taxonomic approach due to uneven data coverage within. This dissertation explores a diverse set of topics in decapodiform evolution and biogeography with a hierarchical approach, starting with the “superorder” Decapodiformes, moving to the “order” Oegopsida, and finally zooming in to the family level with Pyroteuthidae. addressing four main questions: 1) Does RNA editing affect the use of transcriptomics in cephalopod phylogenetics? 2) What is the evolutionary history of ammoniacal buoyancy in oegoposids? 3) What are the present and future niches of pyroteuthid squids? 4) What is the biogeographic history of pyroteuthid squids

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Last time updated on 28/10/2024

This paper was published in OpenSIUC.

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