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<p>This dataset comprises survey results from 100 computer science students, aiming to identify correlations between their depression levels, class performance, and ADHD patterns through data analysis.</p>
<p>Here's a brief description of each column:</p>
<p>Represents the age of the individuals in the dataset, providing insight into the age distribution of the study.</p>
<p>Indicates the gender of each individual, allowing for the exploration of gender-related patterns and trends within the dataset.</p>
<p><strong>Academic Performance:</strong></p>
<p>Reflects the academic achievements of individuals.</p>
<p><strong>Taking Note In Class:</strong></p>
<p>Describes about individuals take notes during class, providing insights into study habits and engagement during lectures.</p>
<p><strong>Depression Status:</strong></p>
<p>Indicates the presence or absence of depressive symptoms, contributing valuable information about the mental health of individuals in the dataset.</p>
<p><strong>Face Challenges To Complete Academic Task:</strong></p>
<p>Explores whether individuals encounter challenges in completing academic tasks.</p>
<p><strong>Like Presentation:</strong></p>
<p>Reflects individuals' preferences for presentations, offering insights into their learning style and engagement with visual or oral communication. This aim also measure is they extrovert or introvert.</p>
<p><strong>Sleep Per Day Hours:</strong></p>
<p>Represents the average hours of sleep individuals get per day, providing information on sleep patterns and potential correlations with academic performance.</p>
<p><strong>Number Of Friend:</strong></p>
<p>Quantifies the social aspect by indicating the number of friends each individual has, contributing to the understanding of social dynamics within the dataset.</p>
<p><strong>Like New Things:</strong></p>
<p>Explores individuals' receptiveness to new experiences or concepts, offering insights into their adaptability and openness to innovation.</p>
<p>This dataset is designed to facilitate a comprehensive analysis of the interplay between demographic factors, academic performance, mental health, study habits, and social dynamics among individuals in the specified context.</p>
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