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Mesoscale Brain Mapping: Bridging Scales and Modalities in Neuroimaging – A Symposium Review


Advances in the spatiotemporal resolution and field-of-view of neuroimaging tools are driving mesoscale studies for translational neuroscience. On October 10, 2023, the Center for Mesoscale Mapping (CMM) at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Health Sciences Technology based Neuroimaging Training Program (NTP) hosted a symposium exploring the state-of-the-art in this rapidly growing area of research. “Mesoscale Brain Mapping: Bridging Scales and Modalities in Neuroimaging” brought together researchers who use a broad range of imaging techniques to study brain structure and function at the convergence of the microscopic and macroscopic scales. The day-long event centered on areas in which the CMM has established expertise, including the development of emerging technologies and their application to clinical translational needs and basic neuroscience questions. The in-person symposium welcomed more than 150 attendees, including 57 faculty members, 61 postdoctoral fellows, 35 students, and four industry professionals, who represented institutions at the local, regional, and international levels. The symposium also served the training goals of both the CMM and the NTP. The event content, organization, and format were planned collaboratively by the faculty and trainees. Many CMM faculty presented or participated in a panel discussion, thus contributing to the dissemination of both the technologies they have developed under the auspices of the CMM and the findings they have obtained using those technologies. NTP trainees who benefited from the symposium included those who helped to organize the symposium and/or presented posters and gave “flash” oral presentations. In addition to gaining experience from presenting their work, they had opportunities throughout the day to engage in one-on-one discussions with visiting scientists and other faculty, potentially opening the door to future collaborations. The symposium presentations provided a deep exploration of the many technological advances enabling progress in structural and functional mesoscale brain imaging. Finally, students worked closely with the presenting faculty to develop this report summarizing the content of the symposium and putting it in the broader context of the current state of the field to share with the scientific community. We note that the references cited here include conference abstracts corresponding to the symposium poster presentations

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Last time updated on 21/10/2024

This paper was published in DSpace@MIT.

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