Cat-Spoon, Pants-Car: Testing Trials Needed for a Picture Paired Associates Task for Adults


This study investigates the number of trials needed for accurate introspection on memory accuracy in adults. Prior research suggests preschoolers benefit from introspection tasks (Hembacher & Ghetti, 2014). Preschoolers encoded items presented once or twice, then completed a forced-choice retrieval test with confidence judgments. Research has also found that memory performance on a paired associates tasks in children is related to their word learning (Vlach & DeBrock, 2017). However, the optimal number of trials in a picture based paired associates task for adults remains unknown. A pilot test indicated 10 trials, commonly used with preschoolers, is insufficient for adults. Our experiment will investigate the appropriate number of trials needed for reliable introspection in adults, with an initial estimate of 40-55 trials based on existing literature

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Valparaiso University

Last time updated on 10/10/2024

This paper was published in Valparaiso University.

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