Video Monitoring For Fall Prevention


Patient safety is a vital aspect of healthcare. Falls and fall-related injuries continue to occur in hospitals worldwide and fall prevention is one of the top priorities in providing quality care. Fall assessment tools, bed alarms, patient rounding, patient education, physical restraints, environmental modification, bedside sitters, and remote video monitoring are some of the methods implemented to reduce falls. This project was a quasi-experimental study informed by Kotter and Cohen Model of Change. The initial purpose of this process improvement project was to educate staff on the significance of video monitoring in fall prevention and determine whether the education regarding the importance of video monitoring in fall prevention was effectively integrated into practice and resulted in a reduction in falls. Ultimately, the project was only able to assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention on staff knowledge of the uses of video monitoring. A cross sectional pre- and post-test design was utilized to assess any gap staff may have regarding video monitoring, and education about video monitoring was tailored to address any needs. Data were collected through a survey of 11 questions, and the mean scores of four selected responses compared before and after intervention. Findings revealed an increase in knowledge post-intervention, as evidenced by increased mean scores. Despite the increase in mean scores, post-intervention fall rates did not decrease. For this project, the final PICOT question was: In nurses working in a healthcare setting (P), does education on the importance of video monitoring in fall prevention(I), compared to pre-education self-report (C) increase staff self-report of understanding the uses of video monitoring (O)

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University of Nevada, Las Vegas Repository

Last time updated on 10/10/2024

This paper was published in University of Nevada, Las Vegas Repository.

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