Architectural Hippies or Healthcare Visionaries?


Human beings increasingly lack interaction with nature in modern civilizations due to urbanization and lifestyle preferences. Research has shown that biophilic elements, like greenery, natural light, etc., create healing environments that alleviate stress, enhance emotional well-being, and promote recovery. This forms the basis of the Biophilic hypothesis, which states that being around nature is imperative for the well-being of humans. This article explores the transformative potential of biophilic design in healthcare settings, explaining its profound impact on patient outcomes and well-being. Several bodies of research prove that introducing biophilic elements in hospitals has led to shorter postoperative stays, reduced administration of pain relief drugs, lower stress levels for people with chronic diseases, and improved overall well-being of patients. Using Virtual Reality (VR) to simulate biophilic environments has shown promise in significantly reducing patient stress and anxiety levels. The fusion of architecture and nature holds immense promise in transforming healthcare spaces into vibrant ecosystems that prioritize holistic patient well-being

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This paper was published in Digital Commons @ Butler University.

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