Say Goodbye to Weight and Hello to Much More


Obesity is a complex disease that is prevalent in the United States. Recently, the Food & Drug Administration approved the use of injectable antidiabetic medications for chronic weight management. Specifically, semaglutide, saxenda, and tirzepatide are effective at helping people lose weight by making them feel fuller and less hungry. These medications were initially indicated to treat type 2 diabetes. They lower blood sugar levels by activating the release of insulin. These drugs also regulate parts of the brain that control hunger and appetite. Many patients experience rapid weight loss with these medications, which in turn reduces their risk for major cardiovascular events and improves their overall mental health. However, without a healthy lifestyle patients need to stay on the drug indefinitely to keep their weight off. Serious adverse effects have been reported with long term use such as gastrointestinal and kidney issues. It is hard to balance the negative health effects of obesity with the improved health benefits that come with the use of these drugs while also considering the potential risks

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Last time updated on 06/10/2024

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