Cyrus Sumner (1808-1850) was the son of Dr. Cyrus Sumner (1772-1834) and Mary Bell. Dr. Cyrus Sumner began a medical practice in Grimsby Township in 1806 and built a home on King Street in Beamsville. During the War of 1812 he accompanied Isaac Brock to Detroit as a surgeon and continued to serve in that capacity until the end of the war. Cyrus Sumner and Mary Bell had 10 children, including Cyrus Sumner Jr. In 1849, Cyrus Jr. traveled to California in 1849 seeking gold. He contracted a fever and died in Sacramento City, California, in November 1850.The fonds consists of a journal of Cyrus Sumner’s trip to California during the gold rush with a transcription of the diary; a silhouette portrait of Mary Bell Sumner; and a photocopy of a manuscript titled A Brave Pioneer by Helen Sumner Manson. Many of the journal entries are written as letters to family
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