Somos território: análise situada da “Juntanza” como uma forma de atendimento comunitário para a prevenção da violência, implementada no município de Bello (Colômbia).


This article aims to provide a situated analysis of the dynamics of 'La Juntanza,' a form of community care developed by migrant women in the municipality of Bello, Colombia. In a context characterized by escalating gender-based violence and heightened social vulnerability, La Juntanza emerges as a vital strategy of resistance and resilience. Through collective organization, women confront the challenges of caregiving, ensuring the sustainability of life. This qualitative study explores how these community practices enable migrant women to build networks of mutual support that transcend cultural, economic, and social barriers. These networks foster holistic care practices that not only safeguard health but also enhance the overall well-being of their communities. The analysis also highlights the critical role of territory and body-territory in the struggles for dignity, care, and life, positioning La Juntanza as a collective organization that challenges dominant neoliberal and patriarchal frameworks. The findings of this research suggest that La Juntanza, as experienced through protective networks, constitutes a holistic model of community care with significant positive impacts on public health, particularly on the mental health of women and children. Additionally, it fosters dignity, and autonomy, and advances social and gender justice within these communities.El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar y reflexionar, desde una perspectiva situada, sobre las dinámicas de la "Juntanza", entendida como una forma de cuidado comunitario desarrollada por mujeres migrantes en el municipio de Bello, Colombia. En un contexto caracterizado por la intensificación de la violencia de género y la creciente vulnerabilidad social, la Juntanza emerge como una estrategia de resistencia y resiliencia. Las mujeres se organizan colectivamente para enfrentar los desafíos asociados a las tareas de cuidado, garantizando así la sostenibilidad de la vida. Este análisis cualitativo examina cómo estas prácticas comunitarias permiten a las mujeres migrantes tejer redes de apoyo mutuo que trascienden barreras culturales, económicas y sociales. Estas redes consolidan formas de cuidado integral que aseguran la salud y promueven el buen vivir de sus comunidades y pueblos. Asimismo, se reconoce la importancia del territorio-tierra y del cuerpo-territorio en las luchas por la dignidad, los cuidados y la vida, identificando a la Juntanza como una forma colectiva de organización que desafía las lógicas dominantes, neoliberales y patriarcales. Por esto, se concluye que la Juntanza, vivida a través de redes protectoras, constituye una forma de cuidado integral comunitario con numerosos impactos positivos en la salud de la población, especialmente en la salud mental de mujeres e infancias. Además, promueve la dignidad, la autonomía y la justicia social y de género en las comunidades.This article aims to provide a situated analysis of the dynamics of 'La Juntanza,' a form of community care developed by migrant women in the municipality of Bello, Colombia. In a context characterized by escalating gender-based violence and heightened social vulnerability, La Juntanza emerges as a vital strategy of resistance and resilience. Through collective organization, women confront the challenges of caregiving, ensuring the sustainability of life. This qualitative study explores how these community practices enable migrant women to build networks of mutual support that transcend cultural, economic, and social barriers. These networks foster holistic care practices that not only safeguard health but also enhance the overall well-being of their communities. The analysis also highlights the critical role of territory and body-territory in the struggles for dignity, care, and life, positioning La Juntanza as a collective organization that challenges dominant neoliberal and patriarchal frameworks. The findings of this research suggest that La Juntanza, as experienced through protective networks, constitutes a holistic model of community care with significant positive impacts on public health, particularly on the mental health of women and children. Additionally, it fosters dignity, and autonomy, and advances social and gender justice within these communities

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Revista de Estudios Contemporáneos del Sur Global

Last time updated on 30/09/2024

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