Transposing Heaven, goodness, and love into a clothing collection circumnavigates belief in the establishment of goodness that I investigate visually and existentially. To describe a point of heavenly perfection, I evaluated personal preference, outside opinion, and cultural beliefs as applied to life and clothing as extensions of self. I aimed to convey Heavenly influence through my senior fashion collection, from mood boards, fabric selection, and description, inspired by my questions about our perceptions of goodness and Heaven. Driven by existentialist need for meaning, I perceived morality and clothing as given context through deeper knowledge of a person. I know that reactions to actions and outfits are immediate and thus hoped to create clothing that reflected the depth of character within the person wearing it. I aimed to create ensembles that would be conducive to desire for greater knowledge of someone’s character for my 9-look collection shown at Cornell Fashion Collective’s runway, Human Centered Design’s NYC Expo, and as part of FSAD seniors’ exhibit in the Human Ecology’s Jill Stuart Gallery. In this essay, I analyze the role of the fashion designer based upon their intentions, the technical quality of their garment, or effect on the wearer and general opinion. I found value in clothing through faith in the existence of goodness and worthiness of human relationships. As part of this thesis, I searched for evidence for this existence: why we seek to look beautiful and the role our appearance plays in our lives. In my designs, I aim to reveal my philosophy considering Heaven as knowing and celebrating the particularities of a person and their stories. Empyrean Echos elaborates upon the compelling reason for dressing one’s friends as beautifully as possible
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