A Semester Abroad discussion of the film


What does a French and Digital Media Production double major do when they study abroad in Paris, France? Create a film, of course. A Semester Abroad follows my various travels during the Fall 2023 semester. In this discussion of my film, I break down the process from my initial research on French cinema, which focused on filmmakers during the French New Wave film movement of the late 1950s to the mid-1960s, to the process of creating this film. Inspired by the vignettes of Dreams directed by Akira Kurosawa, a film I first watched in my Global Cinema course, I created short films or vignettes of each excursion and did not put them all together until the very end. The result is a roughly 40-minute film composed of several vignettes with their own unique style and mood. A brief analysis of the final vignette is included near the end of this discussion to inspire you, the reader, and soon, the viewer, to start your own film discourse

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Last time updated on 17/09/2024

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