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Additional file 1: Fig S1. Distribution of DMPs’ median-∆β values between tumor and normal tissues at the pan-cancer level. Fig S2. Top 10 significant Hyper-DMPs across 9 cancer types. Fig S3. Top 10 significant Hypo-DMPs across 9 cancer types. Fig S4. Identification of conserved differentially methylated probes at the pan-cancer level. Fig S5. NMF identifies three hypermethylation signatures and seven hypomethylation signatures. Fig S6. Comparison of Hypo-MSs using β or 1-β values as input. Fig S7. Characterization of DNA methylation signatures. Fig S8. Methylation signature activities’ association with age. Fig S9. Analysis of the correlations between overall survival, cancer stages and methylation signature activities. Fig S10. The relationship between methylation signature activities and tumor immune microenvironment in cancers. Fig S11. The relationship between Tumor mutation burden, neoantigen load, tumor progression and Hypo-MS4 activity. Fig S12. Analysis of the correlations between deterministic genes and Hypo-MS4 activity. Fig S13. Analysis of the intersection of deterministic genes and Hypo-MS4 activity. Fig S14. Analysis of overall survival and ICI response of Hypo-MS4 with deterministic genes status
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