Comparative Performance of Modern Jumbo Maize Variety And Local Varieties in Fodder Production Under Different Nitrogen Levels


A trial was carried out at Cereal Crop Research Institute Pirsabak, Pakistan by employing a Randomized Complete Block design that was repeated thrice to investigate the performance of different varieties of maize (Jalal, Kaptan and Jumbo) under four nitrogen levels (N1= 0, N2= 100, N3= 150, and N4= 200 kg ha−1). Variation was observed among maize varieties that affected silking and milking days with variety Jumbo recording the longest duration (62 and 80, respectively). Variety Jumbo also had higher leaf number (11.5), SPAD value (47), leaf area index (LAI) (3.4), Plant height (221 cm) and stem diameter (3.22 cm). Similarly, green forage (67,777 kg ha−1) and dry matter yield (23,424 kg ha−1) were the highest for variety Jumbo. In contrast, protein content was observed higher for variety Kaptan while Jumbo and variety Jalal recorded higher fiber content. In terms of Nitrogen levels, silking (62) and milking days (83) were taken more by all the varieties when N4 was supplemented. Maximum and statistically at par leaf count, SPAD value and LAI were recorded with N3 and N4. Plant height and stem diameter was also higher with N3 (196 cm and 3.40 cm) and N4 (202 cm and 3.42 cm). N3 and N4 were linked to higher yields of green forage and dry matter, with N4 showing the improvement in protein and fiber content. Pearson’s correlation plot discovered positive correlation among all studied traits. The newly developed variety Jumbo, with the commencement of N3, is proposed for cultivation to obtain maximum fodder yield while maintaining economic feasibility

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Last time updated on 01/08/2024

This paper was published in CORE.

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