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This syllabus was submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs by the course instructor. Uploaded by Archives RSA Josephine Hill.The seeds of statistics|which is often considered a mathematical science
quite distinct from mathematics itself|were sown in the 17th century, with the development of
probability theory by Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat. Probability theory itself arose due to
interest in games of chance. In contrast to probability theorists (who propose probability models and
then study those models with little regard for the random realizations generated by those models),
statisticians are interested in the random realizations themselves (called data), and what those
random realizations suggest about the parameters that govern the (perhaps unknown) underlying
probability models.
A critical development in the history of statistics was the method of least squares, which was
probably ¯rst described by Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1794. Early applications of statistical thinking
revolved around the needs of states to base public policy on demographic, economic, and pub-
lic health data. The scope of the discipline of statistics broadened in the early 19th century to
include the collection and analysis of data in general. Today, statistics is widely employed in gov-
ernment, business, and the natural and social sciences, and computers are transforming the ¯eld
at a breathtaking pace.
Statistics is widely considered an exciting, dynamic, and intrinsically interdisciplinary science. The
work of statisticians powers search engines like Google, has proven critical to the exploration of the
human genome, and is used by hedge fund managers to detect arbitrage opportunities (risk-free
trading strategies that yield pro¯t with positive probability) that are successful on average (called
statistical arbitrage). The New York Times recently declared that statisticians will enjoy one
of the highest-paying, highly-coveted careers over the next decade. I hope you'll enjoy learning a
little bit about statistics this semester with me
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