19. Yugoslavia: Death of A Nation -- Part VI: Pax Americana
Publication date
18 April 2024
Case Western Reserve University School of Law Scholarly Commons
The Death of Yugoslavia (Serbian, Montenegrin, Bosnian, Croatian and Slovenian: Smrt Jugoslavije, Macedonian: Смртта на Југославија, Smrtta na Jugoslavija), later retitled into Yugoslavia: Death of a Nation in an updated and revised edition, is a six part BBC documentary series first broadcast in 1995, and also the name of a book written by Allan Little and Laura Silber that accompanies the series. The book and film cover the collapse of the former Yugoslavia from three decades ago. Notable in its combination of never-before-seen archive footage interspersed with interviews of most of the main players in the conflict, including Slobodan Milošević, the leader of Serb nationalism, then President of Serbia, through the secession of Slovenia and Croatia, to the war in Bosnia. Film footage does not extend as far as the Kosovo crisis or the secession of Montenegro. —————— Part 6: Pax Americana Croatia launches operation Operation Storm and recaptures most of territory of self-proclaimed Republic of Serbian Krajina which leads to mass exodus of Serbian population from Croatia. Bosnian Serb forces commit Srebrenica and Markale massacres. In response, NATO launches Operation Deliberate Force and bombs positions of Bosnian Serb forces, which forces Bosnian Serbs to return to negotiations. US brokeres Dayton Agreement which effectively ends the Bosnian war. (abstract from Simon Gros\u27s Vimeo page
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