Spatial resolution effects on the solar open flux estimates


Context. Spectropolarimetric observations used to infer the solar magnetic fields are obtained with a limited spatial resolution. The effects of this limited resolution on the inference of the open flux over the observed region have not been extensively studied. Aims. We aim to characterize the biases that arise in the inference of the mean flux density by performing an end-to-end study that involves the generation of synthetic data, its interpretation (inversion), and a comparison of the results with the original model. Methods. We synthesized polarized spectra of the two magnetically sensitive lines of neutral iron around 630 nm from a state-of-the-art numerical simulation of the solar photosphere. We then performed data degradation to simulate the effect of the telescope with a limited angular resolution and interpreted (inverted) the data using a Milne-Eddington spectropolarimetric inversion code. We then studied the dependence of the inferred parameters on the telescope resolution. Results. The results show a significant decrease in the mean magnetic flux density – related to the open flux observed at the disk center – with decreasing telescope resolution. The original net magnetic field flux is fully resolved by a 1m telescope, but a 20 cm aperture telescope yields a 30% smaller value. Even in the fully resolved case, the result is still biased due to the corrugation of the photospheric surface. Conclusions. Even the spatially averaged quantities, such as the open magnetic flux in the observed region, are underestimated when the magnetic structures are unresolved. The reason for this is the presence of nonlinearities in the magnetic field inference process. This effect might have implications for the modeling of large-scale solar magnetic fields; for example, those corresponding to the coronal holes, or the polar magnetic fields, which are relevant to our understanding of the solar cycle

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EDP Sciences OAI-PMH repository (1.2.0)

Last time updated on 02/06/2024

This paper was published in EDP Sciences OAI-PMH repository (1.2.0).

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