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Mongolian Libraries Assessment: A Collaboration Between Western Washington University and the American Center for Mongolian Studies


In November, 2015, Western Washington University (WWU) librarians Jenny Oleen and Gabe Gossett, the authors of this report, were invited to visit Ulaanbaatar in order to do a preliminary assessment of library services in the area and participate in a conference. The assessment was supported by the American Center for Mongolian Studies (ACMS) and WWU with the purpose of identifying ways in which there could be improved collaboration and development between Mongolian libraries, ACMS, and WWU (Western Libraries in particular). The librarians made numerous site visits over a two week period in Ulaanbaatar and the surrounding area to gather information about library facilities, collections, services, and, most importantly, their development goals in order to meet the information needs of Mongolians in the 21st Century. Near the end of their stay the librarians took part in a conference, hosted and co-sponsored by the Mongolian National University of Education, with over 200 library participants. This report includes an overview discussing general themes, a narrative describing issues and areas for development identified during library site visits and conference, and recommendations for partnerships

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This paper was published in Western Washington University.

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