The present research study focuses on the relationship between self-concept and suicidal ideation among the students of first year graduation in Nagpur city. It was hypothesized that there will be a negative relationship between self-concept and suicidal ideation. The sample for the study consisted of 145 students of under graduate from different colleges. The age of students ranged between 18-21 years. Suicide Probability Scale developed by John Cull & Wayne Gill (1984) and Self- Concept Scale developed by R.K. Saraswat (2005) were used to measure the level of Suicidal Ideation and Self-Concept respectively.
Results supported the hypothesis that there is negative correlation between Self-Concept and Suicidal Ideation (N=145, Mean=143.36, & 74.77, SD=36.07 & 15.67, r =0.71, significant at 0.01 level) among students
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