The Application of Visual Cryptography in Securing Digital Content


Digitalizacija nudi brojne nove mogućnosti o kojima se nekada samo moglo sanjati, ali time je i otvorila vrata kršenju autorskih prava. Tematika zaštite digitalnog sadržaja time postaje ključ očuvanja kreativnosti i poticaja inovacija. Vizualna kriptografija, implementacijski naizgled jednostavna, doskočila je tome pomoć ponudom brojnih rješenja poput: dvofaktorske autentifikacije, biometrije, vodenih žigova pa čak i QR kodova koja se svakodnevno koriste, a da ljudi pritom nisu ni svjesni „pozadinskih procesa“. Samim time, pitanje zaštite više nije stvar samo kompleksnosti korištenih tehnologija pri implementaciji, već i bezbolne integracije u sustav uz minimalne troškove.Digitalization offers numerous new possibilities that were once only imaginable, but it has also opened the door to copyright infringement. The issue of protecting digital content has become crucial both for preserving creativity and fostering innovation. Visual cryptography, although seemingly straightforward in implementation, has tackled the challenge by offering numerous various solutions such as: two-factor authentication, biometrics, watermarks, and even QR codes. The mentioned are used daily without people even being aware of the underlying processes. As a result, the question of securing is no longer solely about the complexity of the technologies used in implementation, but also about seamless integration into the system with minimal costs

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Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Digital Repository

Last time updated on 19/05/2024

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