The influence of humaniod robots on primary schoolchildren with the autism spectrum
Tema ovoga rada je utjecaj humanoidnih robota na djecu iz spektra autizma osnovnoškolske dobi. U ovome je radu potrebno ukazati na ulogu i značaj odnosno utjecaj primjene humanoidnih robota u radu nastavnika s djecom iz spektra autizma osnovnoškolske dobi. Autizam je kompleksni neurobiološki poremećaj koji obuhvaća širok spektar simptoma i karakteristika. Karakteristike autizma mogu se razlikovati kod svake osobe i mogu se manifestirati u različitim kombinacijama i stupnjevima ozbiljnosti. Korištenje tehnologije postaje sve značajnije u podršci djeci s autizmom, pružajući nove mogućnosti za poboljšanje komunikacije, socijalnih vještina i obrazovanja. Korištenje humanoidnih robota u nastavi djece s autizmom donosi niz koristi koje podržavaju njihov razvoj i učenje na različitim razinama.The topic of this master's thesis is the impact of humanoid robots on primary school children from the autism spectrum. In this thesis, it is necessary to point out the role and significance, and also the influence of the use of humanoid robots as assistance in teaching primary school children from the autism spectrum. Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder that has a wide spectrum of symptoms and characteristics. The characteristics of autism can vary from person to person and can manifest in different combinations and degrees of severity. The use of technology is becoming increasingly important in supporting children with autism, providing new opportunities to improve communication, social skills and education. The use of humanoid robots in teaching children with autism has a number of benefits that support their development and learning at different levels- info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
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- DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Informacijski sustavi i informatologija.
- SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Information Systems and Information Science.
- autizam
- tehnologija
- podrška
- nastavnici
- humanoidni roboti
- autism
- technology
- support
- teachers
- humanoid robots