Role playing in museums for children
Porast broja obrazovane populacije, povećanje životnog standarda te u konačnici promjena stila života ljudi u razvijenim zemljama rezultirali su promjenom profila današnjeg turista. Prema tome, današnji su gosti vrlo zahtjevni, sve više žele istraživati, isprobavati, a najveći se naglasak stavlja na stvaranje iskustva i ispunjenje doživljaja. Shodno tome, turistička animacija kao jedan od segmenata turističke ponude u tome ima veliku ulogu. Isto tako, animacijski programi i sadržaji za djecu sve su više traženi, a interaktivni dječji gradovi specifičan su koncept koji je u fokusu ovog diplomskog rada. Interaktivni dječji gradovi predstavljaju obrazovno – zabavne centre u kojima djeca u dobi od 1 – 14 godina kroz ultra realističnu igru uloga uče o različitim zanimanjima, funkcioniranju jednog grada, ali i o načinu na koji bi se trebalo upravljati novcem. Dakle, težište je na igri uloga kroz koju djeca razvijaju fizičke, društvene, ali i emocionalne vještine. Ovaj je inovativni koncept jako važan za cjelokupni psihofizički razvoj svakog djeteta te ga je potrebno kontinuirano poticati i integrirati u razne animacijske aktivnosti i sadržaje. Najpoznatiji svjetski lanac dječjih gradova jest KidZania, osnovan u Meksiku. Danas se KidZania centri nalaze po mnogim svjetskim gradovima, a svaki je objekt replika pravog grada veličine djeteta, sa zgradama, trgovinama, kinom, vozilima i pješacima koji se kreću unutar tog grada. U Hrvatskoj ovakav koncept nije u potpunosti razvijen te postoji tek pokoja inačica kao što je primjerice MiniPolis u gradu Zagrebu. U sklopu rada provedeno je i anketno istraživanje, a ciljna skupina ispitanika bili su roditelji djece u dobi od 1 – 14 godina. Rezultati anketnog upitnika pokazali su veliku osviještenost ispitanika o navedenoj tematici. Međutim, velika većina nije nikada posjetila niti jedan takav centar što je usko povezano s nedostatkom dječjih gradova u Hrvatskoj.The increase in the number of the educated population, as well as the increase in the standard of living and, ultimately, the change in the lifestyle of people in developed countries have resulted in a change in the profile of today's tourists. Therefore, today's guests are very demanding, wanting to explore and try more and more; the greatest emphasis is placed on creating an experience and fulfilling it. Consequently, tourist entertainment as one of the segments of the tourist offer plays a big role in such tendencies. Likewise, entertainment programs and content for children are increasing in demand, and interactive children's cities is a specific concept that is the focus of this thesis. Interactive children's cities represent an educational and entertainment center where children aged between 1-14 learn about different professions, the functioning of a city, but also about the way money should be managed through an ultra-realistic role-playing game. Therefore, the focus is on role play, through which children develop physical, social, and emotional skills. This innovative concept is very important for the overall psychophysical development of every child, and it needs to be continuously encouraged and integrated into various animation activities and content. The world's most famous chain of children's cities is KidZania, founded in Mexico. Today, KidZania centers are located in many cities around the world, and each facility is a child-sized replica of a real city, with buildings, shops, a cinema, vehicles and pedestrians moving within that city. In Croatia, this concept has not been fully developed and there are only a few versions, such as MiniPolis in the city of Zagreb. As part of the conducted survey research, the target group of respondents were parents of children aged between 1-14 years. The results of the survey questionnaire showed a great awareness of the respondents on the mentioned topic. However, the vast majority have never visited any such center, which is closely related to the lack of children's towns in Croatia- info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
- text
- Turistička animacija
- animacijski programi
- igra uloga
- obrazovno – zabavni centri
- dječji grad.
- Tourist entertainment
- entertainment programs
- role – playing
- edutainment centers
- interactive city.
- DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Trgovina i turizam.
- SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Trade and Tourism.