Methods and techniques of competition research


Tema diplomskog rada su metode i tehnike istraživanja konkurencije. U radu su definirani pojmovno određenje konkurencije i tržišnog natjecanja, vrste konkurencije koje se dijele na savršenu i nesavršenu konkurenciju, i objašnjena je teorija politike konkurencije. Opisane su metode i tehnike istraživanja konkurencije na tržištu, a to su istraživanje industrije i tržišta te istraživanje konkurencije pomoću identifikacije konkurenata, analize poslovanja konkurenata, SWOT analize, PESTLE analize te pomoću Modela Porterovih 5 sila. Nadalje, spominju se primarni i sekundarni izvori podataka pomoću kojih se obavljaju spomenute analize. Na kraju rada nalazi se praktični dio koji se odnosi na istraživanje konkurencije na primjeru kompanije The Coca-Cola Company. Analiziraju se čitavo poslovanje kompanije, industrija u kojoj kompanija posluje te njezini konkurenti. Konkurenti koji se analiziraju u radu su PepsiCo i Cockta. Prikazane su usporedbe između Coca-Cole i konkurenata te je naveden zaključak o poslovanju čitave industrije.The topic of the thesis is the methods and techniques of competition research. The paper defines the conceptual definition of competition and market competition, the types of competition, which are divided into perfect and imperfect competition, and the theory of competition policy is explained. Methods and techniques of market competition research are described, namely industry and market research and competition research using competitor identification, competitor business analysis, SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis and Porter's 5 forces model. Furthermore, primary and secondary sources of data are mentioned, with the help of which the above mentioned analyzes are performed. At the end of the paper, there is a practical part related to the research of the competition on the example of The Coca-Cola Company. The entire operations of the company, the industry in which the company operates and its competitors are analyzed. The competitors analyzed in the paper are PepsiCo and Cockta. Comparisons between Coca-Cola and competitors are presented, and a conclusion about the entire industry is given

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Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Digital Repository

Last time updated on 19/05/2024

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