Prevention of cardiovascular disease


Predmet je završnog rada prevencija kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Riječ je o bolestima koje obuhvaćaju srce ili krvne žile, a čiji je temeljni uzrok ateroskleroza. Razni čimbenici dovode do razvoja kardiovaskularnih bolesti, a na neke od njih moguće je utjecati promjenom životnih navika. Čimbenici na koje je moguće utjecati jesu povišena razina kolesterola u krvi, arterijska hipertenzija, pušenje, pretilost, nedovoljna tjelesna aktivnost, nepravilna prehrana, dijabetes, prekomjerna konzumacija alkohola te psihosocijalni čimbenici. Najvažnije smjernice s ciljem prevencije kardiovaskularnih bolesti propisuju prestanak pušenja, 30 minuta svakodnevne vježbe ili tri kilometra šetnje, konzumiranje pet porcija voća i povrća svakodnevno, održavanje tjelesne težine, preveniranje dijabetesa te održavanje sistoličkog arterijskog tlaka nižim od 140 mmHg, ukupnog kolesterola u krvi nižim od 5,0 mmol/L, a LDL kolesterola nižim od 3,0 mmol/L. U prevenciji kardiovaskularnih bolesti, odnosno u educiranju osoba s rizikom od razvoja tih bolesti te dijagnosticiranju i liječenju tih bolesti sudjeluje i medicinska sestra/medicinski tehničar.The subject of the final paper is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. These are diseases involving the heart or blood vessels, the root cause of which is atherosclerosis. Various factors lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases, and some of them can be influenced by changing lifestyle habits. Factors that can be influenced are elevated blood cholesterol levels, arterial hypertension, smoking, obesity, insufficient physical activity, improper diet, diabetes, excessive alcohol consumption, and psychosocial factors. The most important guidelines aimed at preventing cardiovascular diseases prescribe smoking cessation, 30 minutes of daily exercise or a three kilometer walk, consuming five portions of fruit and vegetables daily, maintaining body weight, preventing diabetes and maintaining systolic arterial pressure below 140 mmHg, total blood cholesterol below 5.0 mmol/L, and LDL cholesterol lower than 3.0 mmol/L. A nurse/medical technician also participates in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, that is, in the education of people at risk of developing these diseases and in the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases

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Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Digital Repository

Last time updated on 19/05/2024

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