Digital public intrapreneurship and digital public entrepreneurship


This chapter provides an examination of the landscape of entrepreneurship within public administration, focusing on the integration and implications of digital technologies. It begins with the historical evolution of public sector entrepreneurship, identifying milestones and shifts towards more inclusive and innovative practices. The chapter transitions to the emergent field of digital entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, underscoring the transformative potential of digital technologies in public organizations. The chapter presents concepts, theoretical frameworks, and definitions for understanding the dynamics of digital entrepreneurship within the public sector. Emphasis is placed on the roles of digital public entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, whose efforts are pivotal in navigating challenges and seizing the opportunities from the d igital era. The chapter concludes by presenting the strategic importance of fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability within public institutions, aiming to enhance service delivery and public value creation in an increasingly digital world

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This paper was published in ESPACE ENAP.

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