Fabaceae: Astragalus racemosus


Astragalus racemosus is a perennial herb growing from a branched caudex, with multiple, often branched, erect to ascending stems, 15-70 cm tall that are thinly to densely covered with appressed hairs. The alternate, compound odd-pinnate leaves are4-15 cm long, with short petioles below and sessile above, with stipules 3-12 mm long. there are 11-31 leaflets, 1-4 cm long, the lower leaves having broader lance-elliptic leaflets, and the upper leaves with narrower lanceolate leaflets. The inflorescence consist of axillary racemes with 15-70 papilionaceous flowers on peduncles 3-11 cm long. The flowers are generally nodding on pedicels 2-3.5 mm long. The calyx tube is covered in white, appressed hairs, .bell-shaped, 5-7 mm long, sometimes swollen at the base with 5 awn-like lobes, 2-10 mm long. the 5 petals are white to cream colored with purplish tips and or streaks. The banner is 6-12 mm long, the clawed (constricted at the base) wings 12-19 mm long, and the clawed keel 10-16 mm long. The fruit are triangularly compressed legumes, 3.5-7 cm long, 3-6 mm in diameter, with a stipe on the end that is up to 7 mm long. Alkali milkvetch blooms from May to July on poorer soils in prairies, plains, hillsides and in stream valleys in western South Dakota.https://openprairie.sdstate.edu/nativeplant/1227/thumbnail.jp

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Last time updated on 12/05/2024

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