The following file types and formats are included: - Powder X-ray diffraction files: .raw or .xrd files (proprietary format), opened with WinXPOW (STOE) or Dataviewer (PANanalytical) - Thermal gravimetric analysis: .txt or .csv (text editor or Excel) - Scanning electron microscopy: .tiff (opened with image viewers) - Gas adsorption: .txt (text editor) - Solution-state nuclear magnetic resonance: opened with MestReNova or TopSpin (proprietary format) - Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance: opened with MestReNova or TopSpin (proprietary format) - GSAS output files: .GSAS (proprietary format), opened with GSAS - Single crystal X-ray diffraction: CIF type (text editor) - Differential thermal analysis: .txt or .csv (text editor or Excel) - Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy: .txt or .csv (text editor or Excel) - Synchrotron infrared files: .txt (text editor or Excel) - Langmuir graphs from synchrotron infrared data: .csv (Excel) - X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: .VMS opened with CasaXPS (proprietary format) - Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy: Origin file opened with Origin (proprietary format) - Pycnometer data: .txt or .csv (text editor or Excel) The data files are embargoed until 03/06/202
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