Analisis Komparasi Intrution Detection System Berbasis Snort Dengan Suricata Untuk Keamanan Jaringan (Studi Kasus: Astara Hotel Balikpapan)


Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a vital element in network security which functions to identify suspicious activity and attacks on the system. Suricata and Snort are the two leading platforms which are widely used in IDS. Although the main goal of both is the same, which is to protect the network from threats, there are differences in the method of detection and response to attacks. This study aims to compare Suricata and Snort in various key aspects, including detection performance, scalability, features, architecture, and ability to deal with new and complex attacks. The research methodology involves testing performance with various attack datasets, feature analysis, and evaluating performance with variations in network load

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OJS Universitas Mulia (E-Journals)

Last time updated on 18/02/2024

This paper was published in OJS Universitas Mulia (E-Journals).

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