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#32 Transforming Online Teaching in Higher Education


This in person salon invites attendees to engage in discussion around online teaching and learning in higher education through a progressive lens. Featuring our presenters: Robin Hummel taught fifth grade through high school in public schools for over 25 years in southern New Jersey. As Bank Street\u27s co-director of online learning and director of the math leadership program, she serves as an advisor to graduate students and teachers mathematics, mathematics pedagogy, and action research. Laura Zadoff is co-director of online teaching and learning where she supports faculty in teaching with technology and is engaged in the development of new online programs. Steve Goss is a clinical faculty member and chair of the Management and Technology program in the division of Business Programs at NYU School of Professional Studies (NYU SPS). He has taught diverse student audiences including K-12, undergraduate, and graduate students. His courses closely relate to his academic interests, including online education, technology innovation, and experiential learning.

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EDUCATE (Bank Street College of Education)

Last time updated on 14/02/2024

This paper was published in EDUCATE (Bank Street College of Education).

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