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Course Lecture: Government resources as a part of scholarly communication


The second lecture in a 5-part series of lectures on scholarly communication, this lecture situates government publications and public use datasets as one facet of scholarly communication and evidence based practice via discussion of the structure of the United States government and related vocabulary, as well as activities in which learners explore and then teach the class about various data tools. This lecture was designed for the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program. This lecture is appropriate for adult and emerging adult learners with very little or basic understandings of scholarly communication, government publication, datasets, and the appropriate use of diverse sources of information. Learning objectives: Identify and discuss the role of the structure of government info-collection on the body of information (ACRL HSIG 5.1) Analyze differences between various types of government information and data (ACRL HSIG 1.2) Identify and discuss the role of the structure of government info-collection on the body of information. (ACRL HSIG 5.1) Evaluate use and efficacy of government info within a local healthcare and a larger OT practice context. (ACRL HSIG 5.1

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UND Scholarly Commons (University of North Dakota)

Last time updated on 11/02/2024

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