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Isolating a Tree’s Skeleton using a 3-Dimensional Reconstruction


L-Systems allow for the efficient procedeural generation of trees to be used for rendering in video games and simulations. Currently, however, it is difficult to engineer grammars that mimic the behaviours of real life trees in 3 dimensions. To be able to deduce them, the skeleton of a tree can be used to train a model and generate an L-system for a given tree in particular. The aim of this paper is to provide a pipeline to isolate these skeletons from images of a tree, using Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) to reconstruct the tree, and using Laplacian Based Contraction to retrieve the underlying skeleton. We find that this approach leads to 3-dimensional topologies that very closely resemble the given tree.CSE3000 Research ProjectComputer Science and Engineerin

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TU Delft Repository

Last time updated on 31/01/2024

This paper was published in TU Delft Repository.

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