Planning as a Management Function in Change Management Conditions


U uvjetima menadžmenta promjena vrlo je bitno standardizirati poslovne aktivnosti kroz optimalno planiranje kako bi se organizacije lakše prilagodile tržištu, te ga prilagođavale zajednički s ostalim funkcijama menadžmenta. Cilj ovoga rada je ukazati na važnost funkcije planiranja kao jedne od ključnih funkcija menadžmenta kroz povećanje standardizacije svih poslovnih aktivnosti u svrhu lakšeg nastupa na tržištu. U tu svrhu provedeno je online anketno ispitivanje na 3 razine menadžmenta prigodnim uzorkom 50 menadžera hrvatskih tvrtki u sva 4 sektora gospodarske djelatnosti s 11 zatvorenih pitanja podijeljenih u dvije kategorije, prva u kojoj se determiniraju osobine ispitanika i ostala u kojoj se ocjenjuju njihovi stavovi na zadanu temu. Rezultati uvelike dokazuju pretpostavke definirane sekundarnim istraživanjima i pitanjima u anketnom upitnikom, te kako organizacijske promjene, promjene unutarnje i vanjske okoline utječu na važnost planiranja u poduzeću gdje se uz ekonomsku okolinu, osobito ističe digitalizacija, i pravilno definiranje ciljeva i strategija koje utječu na veliko povećanje organizacijske fleksibilnosti. Također, bez obzira koliko je planiranje standardizirana aktivnost mnogi menadžeri su istakli kako je ono pored principijelne (usmjerene) aktivnosti uvelike i fleksibilna (koordinirano neusmjerena aktivnost).In the conditions of change management, it is very important to standardize business activities through optimal planning so that organizations can more easily adapt to the market, and adapt it together with other management functions. The aim of this work is to point out the importance of the planning function as a key management function through increasing the standardization of all business activities for the purpose of easier performance on the market. For this purpose, an online survey was conducted on 3 levels of management with a random sample of 50 managers of Croatian companies in all 4 sectors of economic activity with 11 closed questions divided into two categories, the first in which the characteristics of the respondents are determined and the other in which their attitudes to the default are evaluated topic. The results largely prove the assumptions defined by the secondary research and the questions in the survey questionnaire, and how organizational changes, changes in the internal and external environment affect the importance of planning in a company where, in addition to the economic environment, digitization is especially important, and the correct definition of goals and strategies that affect a large increase organizational flexibility. Also, regardless of how much planning is a standardized activity, many managers have pointed out that, in addition to being a principled (directed) activity, it is also largely flexible (coordinated non-directed activity)

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Repository of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Last time updated on 22/01/2024

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