Use of cannabis in medical purposes


Kanabis lat. Cannabis sativa poznat i kao marihuana ili indijska konoplja, biljka je koja ima bogatu povijest uporabe širom svijeta zbog svojih različitih svojstava i učinaka. Međutim, tijekom modernog doba, stigmatizacija kanabisa kao psihoaktivne droge ograničila je njegovu medicinsku primjenu. Sve do nedavnih godina, kanabis je bio zabranjen ili reguliran u većini zemalja zbog svojih psihoaktivnih svojstava. Suvremena istraživanja su ponovno otvorila vrata medicinskoj upotrebi kanabisa. Kanabis je kompleks od više od 400 spojeva, uključujući flavonoide, terpenoide i kanabinoide. Glavni kanabinoid je tetrahidrokanabinol (THC) odgovoran i za psihoaktivne učinke koje traže rekreativni korisnici i za terapeutske učinke droge, drugi je kanabidiol (CBD) kojem se pripisuju brojna terapeutska svojstva bez psihoaktivnog učinka. Medicinski kanabis je pripravak s kanabinoidnim tvarima: Dronabinol, Nabilon, Nabiksimol. Liječnici određuju vrstu biljnog lijeka, biljni pripravak od kojeg će se izraditi glavni pripravak, broj pojedinačnih doza, oblik lijeka i način primjene uz sadržaj THC-a za jednu dozu. Kanabis se danas koristi kao dodatak terapiji kod autominuih bolesti, epilepsije, karcinoma, povraćanja, mentalnih poremećaja, glaukoma, kronične bolesti itd. Upotreba kanabisa u medicinske svrhe dosta je zakonom ograničena i dokazi su anegdotalni, neovisno o tome svim pacijentima s teškim stanjima potrebno je omogućiti slobodu izbora u liječenju, posebno ako nailaze na izrazite terapeutske koristi.Cannabis sativa, also known as marijuana or Indian hemp, is a plant that has a rich history of use around the world due to its various properties and effects. However, during the modern era, the stigmatization of cannabis as a psychoactive drug has limited its medical use. Until recent years, cannabis was banned or regulated in most countries due to its psychoactive properties. Modern research has opened the door to the medical use of cannabis. Cannabis is a complex of more than 400 compounds, including flavonoids, terpenoids, and cannabinoids. The main cannabinoid is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) responsible for both the psychoactive effects sought by recreational users and the therapeutic effects of drugs, the other is cannabidiol (CBD) which has numerous therapeutic properties without psychoactive effects. Medical cannabis is a preparation with cannabinoid substances: Dronabinol, Nabilon, Nabiximol. Doctors determine the type of herbal medicine, the herbal preparation from which the main preparation will be made, the number of individual doses, the form of the medicine, and the method of administration along with the THC content for one dose. Today, cannabis is used as an adjunct to therapy for autoimmune diseases, epilepsy, cancer, vomiting, mental disorders, glaucoma, chronic diseases, etc. The use of cannabis for medical purposes is quite limited by law and the evidence is anecdotal, regardless of this, all patients in serious conditions need to allow freedom of choice in treatment, especially if significant therapeutic benefits are encountered

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Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Digital Repository

Last time updated on 22/01/2024

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