Material and Affective (Re)shapings within Unspeakable/Uninterrupted Territories of Violence


How might we refuse historically censored, sustained, and whitewashed frames and forms of quotidian violence that drag our attention towards registers of inevitability and predictability? This conceptual article considers assemblages of violence in the context of historical and ongoing reverberations of antiblack racism in the United States. Specifically, the authors consider various material and affective intersections that produce movements with/around/under/through time, space, and human and more-than human bodies; the liminal texture of conscious knowing and subconscious feeling that is always-already in flux; and the incalculable and perhaps unfulfilled possibilities/futures that await all encounters within the more-than-human world. We tether our theoretical orientations to three contexts implicated in unspeakable/uninterrupted territories of violence: cotton plant and fear, computer and suspicion, and skateboard and joy

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Journal of Curriculum Theorizing

Last time updated on 03/12/2023

This paper was published in Journal of Curriculum Theorizing.

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