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The Influence of Infant Food Packaging Design on Perceptions of Kenyan Consumers: Conjoint Analysis Combined with Eye Tracking


Locally produced, healthy and affordable foods for children based on traditional recipes have the potential to improve the high rates of child malnutrition in Africa's drylands. Professional, informative packaging is needed for women's groups producing such foods to access the formal market. To identify suitable packaging designs, a conjoint experiment was combined with eye tracking. 16 packaging designs were created (D-efficient design), randomly displayed and rated for attractiveness by 98 participants. Overall, the results suggest that packaging designs for children's foods that include food safety symbols and detailed nutritional information could help Kenyan consumers build trust in the product being offered. Consumers gain information from images showing the product's ingredients and a logo composed of the colours of the Kenyan flag. The image of a cute cartoon animal helps consumers identify the product as a children's food

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This paper was published in Food System Dynamics (E-Journals).

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