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The donor cultivation process is vital to a gift officer by creating meaningful relationship built on trust and dynamic conversations. Cultivating philanthropic funds for nonprofit organization is essential in advancing a mission and accomplishing the vision. To successfully solicit donor dollars, gift officers must focus on the art of developing and retaining personal relationships. A gift officer is the hands and feet to a nonprofit organization who leads people to understand, motivate, and agree to support a better quality of life for those most in need. The utilization of properly cultivated relationships and uniquely crafted engagements provides the precise development for successful fundraising. The utilization of the donor cultivation process is changing the culture of philanthropy and provides a platform for gift officers to utilize to achieve goals. The future success of nonprofit organizations of mission advancement is dependent on the ability of a gift officers’ strategic engagement with the community’s people. Gift officers promote philanthropy by following donor centered principles and practicing organizational values.
Key Words: Major gift officer (MGOs), Philanthropy, Fiduciary, Cultivation, Donor relations, Organizational culture, Strategic Communicatio
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