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Physical activity of pregnant women - benefits for pregnancy


Introduction: Physical activity in pregnant women, as in the rest of the population, helps to maintain good health and prevent diseases. It has a positive effect on the body of the future mother, but is also a source of measurable benefits for the developing fetus. There are many methods of active spending time for pregnant women that are not only safe but also recommended to ensure the proper course of pregnancy.  Aim of the study: The aim of our study is to present current recommendations regarding activity among pregnant women and the benefits for the mother and fetus resulting from regular and moderate physical activity.  Material and methods: We reviewed scientific publications using the Google Scholar database, using keywords such as “physical activity during pregnancy” or “physical activity among pregnant women”.  Conclusions: Physical activity in pregnant women is not only safe but also recommended. According to the recommendations, pregnant women should exercise regularly in a way that is not too strenuous and does not pose a risk of injury. Regular, moderate activity during pregnancy brings a number of benefits for the pregnant woman and the fetus.&nbsp

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This paper was published in Akademicka Platforma Czasopism.

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