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The specifics of nursing care for a geriatric patient


According to the forecast data in 2050, every fifth inhabitant of Poland will be in the elderly population. According to the WHO definition, a person who has over 60 years of age qualifies for geriatric care. A geriatric patient is a specific subject of nursing care due to the multitude and diversity of the course of many health problems. Extending the average life expectancy of the inhabitants of Poland is a fact that should be accepted and take holistic and individual actions towards the patient so that they meet his numerous bio-psycho-social needs. They are a determinant of the quality of health services provided. Senior care should be provided by professionals who will make an in-depth analysis and give the patient multidirectional help. It is also necessary help the family both in a situation where the patient lives alone at home, as well as when he is admitted to the hospital. The aim of the work is to show the problems of a geriatric patient staying in the hospital and the essence of nursing activities in caring for him. Because they have a big impact on the health and quality of life of seniors

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This paper was published in Akademicka Platforma Czasopism.

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