University of Zagreb. Faculty of Science. Department of Geology.
Crveni mulj je industrijski otpad nastao tijekom proizvodnje aluminija (Al). Sadrži visoke koncentracije mnogih metala koji se iz njega mogu ekstrahirati ukoliko se primijene odgovarajuće metode. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi utječe li aktivnost autohtonih bakterija izoliranih iz crvenog mulja na promjenu njegove geokemije. Eksperiment je trajao šest mjeseci, a geokemijske analize su u tom razdoblju provedene dva puta. Prije geokemijskih analiza uzorci su podvrgnuti žarenju. Provedena mineraloška analiza ukazuje na to da su dominantne faze böhmit, gibbsit, hematit, kalcit i kankrinit, da tretman žarenjem ne utječe na mineralogiju, no da bakterijska aktivnost uvjetuje pojavu novog minerala: weddellita. Geokemijske analize upućuju na to da je došlo do izluživanja promatranih metala pri posredstvu bakterija, ali zbog velikih odstupanja među mjerenjima nije moguće utvrditi koja kombinacija vode, hranjivog medija i bakterija osigurava najveću izluživost elemenata.Red mud is an industrial waste generated during the production of aluminum (Al). It contains high concentrations of many metals that can be extracted from it if appropriate methods are applied. The aim of this study was to determine whether the activity of autochthonous bacteria isolated from red mud affects the change in its geochemistry. The experiment lasted six months, and geochemical analyses were carried out twice during that period. Before the geochemical analyses, the samples were subjected to annealing. The conducted mineralogical analysis indicates that the dominant phases are böhmite, gibbsite, hematite, calcite and cancrinite, that the annealing treatment does not affect the mineralogy, but that bacterial activity conditions the appearance of a new mineral: weddellite. Geochemical analyses indicate that the observed metals were leached by bacteria, but due to large discrepancies between the measurements, it is not possible to determine which combination of water, nutrient medium and bacteria ensures the greatest leachability of elements
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