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Understanding Administrative Support from the Perspective of Special Educators


A lack of support from administration is one of the most common reasons special educators are leaving the field of education (e.g. Sutcher, et al., 2016). The purpose of this study was to better understand how special educators view and experience support from their administrators. This study surveyed 23 special educators in public schools in Illinois and Wisconsin to identify, what do special educators identify as essential actions of supportive administrators and how administrators have shown or missed opportunities to show support toward special educators. Researchers found five major themes of supportive actions including, (1) promoting collaboration amongst staff, (2) respecting the expertise of special education staff, (3) being present and aware to increase knowledge related to special education needs, which includes three minor themes including (4) student and family management which includes the minor theme, and (5) administrative responsibilities with special education in mind which includes the minor themes.Keywords: Special Education, administrator, support, retentio

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This paper was published in ISU ReD: Research and eData.

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