Ink for Printmaking


The ultimate guide to printing inks and processes, from the pigment to the printmaker.Since printing's invention in the sixth century, inks have remained a fundamental aspect of the printing process. In this comprehensive and accessible guide, Stephen Hoskins and Michael Craine trace the development of ink from ancient China through the Middle Ages and from the industrial revolution to the digital age. As well as its history, they explore inks for different forms of printmaking, specialist inks, environmental issues and recent developments in health and safety for the printmaker.Offering detailed guidance to the inks used for processes from etching and relief printing to lithography and screen printing, as well as how to make your own from dry pigment, the book is beautifully illustrated with examples and offers practical information for all levels of printmakers, from the specialist to the amateur

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    UWE Bristol Research Repository

    Last time updated on 14/08/2023

    This paper was published in UWE Bristol Research Repository.

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